The Nativity choir is unique in the Detroit Metropolis. Nativity works hard to retain the type of choir that has been found in Orthodox churches for centuries. The choir has the sacred task of chanting the Divine Liturgy and other special services. The hymns of Byzantine chants that you hear, have their roots in the early church of the Apostles. Music is read from the Byzantine script. The choir forms an integral part of the worship service of the holy Church, a responsibility which must be fulfilled with devotion, commitment and reverence. The Choir of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary strives to be exemplary in this regard.
Recognizing that chanting is an art, it is understood that choir members will be able to sing on-pitch with the accompanying singers. While ability to read music is not required, it is desirable. Most of our hymns are chanted in Greek but work continues on chanting in English. Regular attendance at practices is expected timeliness is mandatory.